I’ll admit, I wasn’t big on Twitter when it first came out. I could not see the allure of posting what I thought was pretty much a status update. I was sure such a thing would fade away.

I am not the one to listen to when it comes to predicating the future of technology apparently!


I gave in and joined Twitter back in 2010 and didn’t really use it for much until these last couple of years when I began to use it for genealogy. I personally use it to post my website blog postings and I follow many other genealogists as well as archives and historical societies. It is where I will get some of my news for my Friday posts in fact.

So what can you do on Twitter while looking for genealogy?

You can…

  1. Find genealogists and genealogy blogs (like this one!)
  2. See what’s new using #genealogy (you can save this search too so you can come back to whenever you want – you’ll find your saved searches when you click on the search Twitter box)
  3. Follow genealogy organizations in your areas of interest
  4. Follow the genealogy companies you use to know about new things coming to the website (and sales!)
  5. Follow events you are attending. Usually conferences will have a specific hashtag for their event so you can follow the hashtag to see what’s going on.

My favorite part of Twitter is keeping up with genealogy information. I don’t spend hours on Twitter (although I know that’s easy to do once you get started) but I will go through who I follow and see what’s new.

Who to follow?

Here are some recommendations (besides myself, of course):


There are more but my list will just keep getting longer… I follow a number of people on my Twitter so if you’re really curious, go here.

Genealogy Organizations/Archives/Historical Societies, etc.

And more… There are Twitter accounts for many archives, historical societies, and groups around the world. Seek and you shall (hopefully) find!

If you believe I left off an essential Twitter account(s) to follow, please leave it in the comment section below!

Happy Hunting!