Friday’s Faces from the Past: Holiday


Probably 1956/7

Probably 1956/7

In the very back row, the two boys, happen to be uncle and nephew. From left to right there is my mom’s cousin, then her Uncle Rod, her brother Bob, and then my mom (isn’t she cute?). My great-grandparents had their last (that would be Rod) when their oldest son had his first (that would be Bob). Could you imagine being pregnant at the same time as your mother-in-law? Or having to call your playmate uncle?


Oh, family 🙂


In an aside, I finished the Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate Program!! So now my time will be dedicated to starting my business. Can you believe I started this venture only a year ago? 🙂


Amanuensis Monday: December 24 1946


Thankful Thursday: Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate Program


  1. Aww, your mom is adorable. And no, I can’t believe you’ve finished your certification. Seems like only yesterday. CONGRATS!

    • NikiMarie

      Thank you! It’s not quite certification but I feel confidant taking on clients now, which is part of its purpose. 🙂

  2. Wow! I took a little summer break and you finished. Congratulations. I would love to hear your thoughts about the program.

  3. They are so stinkin’ cute!! Congrats on your certification! Are you specializing in any particular time period or area?

    • NikiMarie

      Thank you! Most likely specializing in the Midwest but really, I feel like I’ll learn as I go and find the areas that interest me the most. For example, house histories is something I want to look into and I just volunteered to help out on a house history project in my area. We’ll see how it goes!

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