Family Recipe Friday

I recently visited my parents home for more research time and took advantage of some of the recipes boxes my mom has from my Aunt Betty (my grandfather’s sister – she was the family cook).

045-1 Recipe box


She had bookshelves full of these boxes! As I said, she was THE cook of the family. Here are two of my favorite recipes of hers:

045-2 fudge


3-6 oz package semi sweet chocolate morsels

1 14oz can Eagle milk

dash salt

1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup chopped nuts


In top of double boiler, over boiling water, melt chocolate and milk. Remove from heat, stir in rest, spread evenly in wax paper lined 8″ pan. Chill two hours or till set.

045-3 pb cups

Peanut Butter Cups

back of peanut butter cups

back of peanut butter cups

Peanut Butter Cups


1/3lb graham crackers crushed (11 crackers)

1/2 cup melted butter or margarine

1 cup peanut butter

1 lb powder sugar

1 12oz chocolate chips, melted in double boiler


Combine first four ingredients till smooth. Press in buttered 9×13 pan. Spread melted chips over, refrigerate till firm. Remove let rest until room temp, cut in squares. Makes 4 doz.

Enjoy 🙂



Amanuensis Monday: Jan 8-9


Amanuensis Monday: Jan 10-11


  1. I wish there were better cooks in my family. There really aren’t any recipes to pass down. 🙁

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