’s Guess My Family Heritage Blogathon Contest

I saw this contest the other day and thought I’d join in! If you have a blog and an old family photo you can too by going here to read more about it. I encourage you to do so! You can win a prize by entering and who doesn’t love that? 🙂

crestleaf contest photo

There’s my photo and now I’m asking you, my readers, to reference my photo and guess my family’s heritage (country of origin, culture, etc.) in the blog’s comments. So, what’s your guess? Have fun! 🙂



Wordless Wednesday: Senior Prom 1949


Genealogy News April 3rd-10th


  1. These have all been hard because the photos are of families that look well settled and there don’t seem to be many clues in the pictures. I will guess that they are of German heritage.

    • Nichelle Barra

      Which is correct! lol Good guess! This is about 10 years after they came over. The two young ones were born in Michigan, the rest in Germany. 🙂

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