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Friday Genealogy News

508 Indiana Library

Big News:

I want to highlight this and urge others to reach out to the Indiana state legislators about this, even if you’re from out of state (there’s a link to that in the article). This is going all around Facebook as well and I encourage you to pass on the word!

  • The Indiana Genealogical Society Blog posted an announcement yesterday that the State Budget Bill for Indiana proposes a cut in funding to the Indiana State Library. With that, the proposal includes elimination of the Genealogy Department of the State Library! There are links in the article for Indiana residents to contact their state legislature AND there are links for people out of state who want to do research in the library. So please, take some time to read it through and then weigh in with a state legislator!

More Genealogy Tidbits

  • The Ancestor Hunt posted a list of over 160 newspaper collection links! Definitely worth checking out!
  • Ever wonder why ancestors didn’t smile? This article by discusses the issues and gets rid of the myths.
  • DIY History is a website created by the University of Iowa where anyone can create an account and help out the library by transcribing old manuscripts. They have quite a number of topics to choose from: World War II, Civil War, World War I, Pioneer Lives, and more. Check it out! It’s great practice for genealogists and it helps a library’s documents become a lot more useful to the public and other researchers.
  • Rescued Film Project – I posted this on my Facebook page and encourage everyone to check it out! The photographer finds and rescues old rolls of undeveloped film and then develops them very carefully. The results are pretty amazing. Watch the 10 minute video on his biggest find from a soldier in World War II.
  • Hack Genealogy recently had a Research Right: Tracking and Evaluating Your Genealogy Research Boot Camp and are offering the entire event in one product. Through 31 January it’s at a reduced price of $9.95!
  • Dear Myrtle is hosting a GenLaw study group which starts tomorrow! You can check out more information on the book (Genealogy and the Law) and the study group here.
  • The University of Notre Dame Archives  has new online databases: the Records from the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas from 1576-1803. Check out more information about it here and see Dick Eastman’s post about it here.
  • Dick Eastman’s Newsletter recently posted about new information available from the National Archives and Records Administration. This isn’t quite genealogy related, but I found it to be interesting and wished to share. It’s information on Project Blue Book – the UFO reports! Seriously, how neat is that!

Have a good Friday everyone!

Friday Genealogy News

503 Cassi and Devon

Happy birthday to my little sister (pictured here in one of my favorite pictures of her and my brother)! She just turned 30 yesterday 🙂

Genealogy News

  • Dear Myrtle – one of my favorite genealogy blogs is hosting a beginning genealogy study group using Google+ Hangouts on Air. Check it out! She’ll be discussing research strategies and lots of examples for beginners.
  • Illinois New Law – this will be of interest for those with Illinois adoption research: they have sent applications to Illinois adoptees to apply for their original birth certificate. This is wonderful news for those adoptees in Illinois who wish to find out more about their family!
  • Upfront with NGS – “Hidden Gems – Record Collections Which Hold Records You Wouldn’t Expect” – This article discusses a recent discovery of files on about occupations. Check out the article and if you have a subscription and see what you could discover.
  • Genealogy Bargains – I post this one on Facebook often but it is updated nearly daily so don’t forget to check out the Genealogy Bargains that GeneaBloggers presents!
  • Genealogy Do-Over – Speaking of GeneaBloggers, don’t forget to check out this week’s do-over topics. Even if you aren’t doing the project, he has great topics on tracking and conducting research this week – including a great template for a genealogy research log.
  • Family Tree Builder – This program is now available for Macs! Dick Eastman’s newsletter recently discussed using this program (which is connected with MyHeritage) on a Mac so if you’re curious about the program, check out his article.

Don’t forget to follow and like my Copper Leaf Genealogy Facebook page where I post newfound items that deal with history and genealogy on a near daily basis!

Happy Friday!


2014 In Review

Taken by NikiMarie in 2014 in Cancun

Taken by NikiMarie in 2014 in Cancun

Geniaus once again has their Accentuate the Positive 2014 Geneameme! I did this last year as well and like going back to see how my year has gone and make some goals for 2015.

So here is my year, accentuating the positive!


1.  An important vital record I found was – I shouldn’t say found… more like looked at closer. It was definitely the burial record where I think Lillie (McLeod) Witherell was buried. Looking at the owner and finding out he was married to a Katherine McLeod gave me a huge hint to where Lillie’s family could be!

2.  A newly found family member shared – This year I was introduced to a Raifsnider family member thanks to this blog (LOVE that!). I finally got to meet her over the holidays and she shared with me this wonderful picture of my 2x great-grandfather’s brother (which happens to be her 2x great-grandfather). I have no pictures of my 2x great-grandfather so this is especially precious to me.

3.  A geneasurprise I received was – I had ordered records through NARA before but my 3x great-grandfather’s Civil War records was quite a surprise! There are over 100 pages in the file AND a record explaining why I could not find his marriage record. I was very pleasantly surprised by everything that was in that file – well worth the money!

4.   My 2014 blog post that I was particularly proud of was – By far, it was the Lillie McLeod post where I began to look into her grave record. This was also a Boston University assignment that I am probably the most proud of besides one other. I also loved how I could finally figure out how to make my footnotes appear as links that go to the bottom where the source was cited (copy and paste it from Word!).

5.   My 2014 blog post that received a large number of hits or comments was – I realize that my genealogy posts don’t always get a lot of comments but my biggest one was about John Witherell when I was still doing the 52 Ancestors. That Witherell line is still my main research focus in my own work.

6. A social media tool I enjoyed using for genealogy was – There are two actually but by far my favorite is my new Copper Leaf Genealogy page on Facebook.  I post a lot more than just my blog posts on there! I also post items that have to do with genealogy as well as sales/bargains (for genealogists) that I see posted elsewhere. Go check it out!

The other one I have kind of enjoyed has been wordpress for my business page, Copper Leaf Genealogy. I only say kind of because I don’t know how to transfer my blog over there at the moment. I had done that initially but it looked so weird that I had the person who set up my blog to just put a link to my blog at the top instead. I do want to move it but now I’m not sure what to do. Do I delete all the pages/posts that were transferred over when I first uploaded the blog and then re-upload it since I have so many new posts? And then I have to deal with the formatting too. Oy. SO – if anyone has some wonderful WordPress tutorials they feel will help me, please share!

7. A genealogy conference/seminar/webinar from which I learnt something new was – It would be the NGS Conference in Virginia of course! I learned SO much from that conference and LOVED meeting so many other genealogists. It is probably the highlight of my genealogy year!

8. I am proud of the presentation I gave at/to – This was actually my first presentation as a professional genealogist but it is one I’m proud of: the online educational resources for every genealogist! (See part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and part 5). I am working on another presentation about citing sources (I am presenting that in February) and another generic presentation about genealogy that I hope to give to interested groups.

9. I taught a friend how to – I didn’t blog about this one but I did take a friend through some of Saginaw County’s records. I LOVED sharing this with her! I showed her how to find death/marriage/birth records in the Clerk’s office and where to find land records and wills. Then we headed to Hoyt Library in downtown Saginaw to show her the wonderful genealogy collection there as well as the census records they have there that she can view without Ancestry. It was wonderful to be able to share that with someone!

10. A genealogy book that taught me something new was

488 Books

These two books have been great! There are more than just these two books but these two came to mind right away. I am working on writing house histories (I get to play with land records, which I LOVE and I get to explore homes – win win!) as a niche for me and this book was recommended as a good place to start. Also, the photo detective book is to help me figure out time frames that will help me to identify people in photos. I am very excited about both ventures!

11. A great repository/archive/library I visited was – Hoyt Library in Saginaw! I go there often and love the place! Not only is it my favorite library in Saginaw, but it has a lot of wonderful information and a knowledgeable staff.

12. It was exciting to finally meet – I met so many genealogists at the NGS conference! So many amazing and helpful people who gave me ideas and their card so I could get in touch with them later if need be. I love the genealogy community for things like this! Not to mention some of the speakers at the conference – our genealogy celebrities if you will – were very exciting to meet and hear in person.

13. A geneadventure I enjoyed was – The Boston University’s 15 week Genealogical Research Certificate Program! It was as time-consuming as they claimed and I LOVED every challenge that was thrown my way. It really made me feel incredibly positive about choosing this as a career and very excited about the possibilities such a career choice can hold. I don’t think I can quite express how wonderful this course was in words and I can’t recommend it enough!

14.  Professional genealogy items/goals I achieved

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By far, this has to be one of the most exciting things for me! I officially started my own business! I never thought that I would do something like this to be honest. It is weird to realize that I left a safe career to go into something that had been a hobby and now am working on making this my full-time career. It’s all very exciting (and stressful)!

15. Another positive I would like to share is – This was a great year for me overall and I want to set some goals for next year that I’ll look back on and make sure that I am following through with! So here are some of my goals for 2015:

  • Clients! I would love to work with at least three-five new clients this year (if not more, let’s be honest). The number may seem small but I think it is accurate for the area I am in and for how new I am to the field.
  • Writing! As the St. Joseph County genealogist for Indiana Genealogical Society, I have to write an article a year so I’ve already got some ideas for this. I really want to sharpen my genealogy writing skills over all so I would like to not only have my first article for IGS this year but also have another printed or almost printed this year.
  • Speaking! As I mentioned, I already have one speaking session lined up for 2015 but I would like to do 10 speaking engagements this year. That is a very high goal and I understand that I won’t be paid for every one but I feel like this will introduce people to me and my work (which helps with my first goal) and introduces people to what I can teach (which will hopefully lead to more speaking engagements – paid ones too!).
  • Social Media! I don’t want to get into my plans for this just yet but I have had some ideas brewing for a bit that I really want to do this next year. I’m excited for it!
  • Education! As always, I plan on continuing my education! I am on the waiting list for ProGen and really hope I’ll get to be in the next session. Along with that, I have some conferences lined up and there may be an institute coming in as well. Not to mention the virtual institutes/conferences that are offered! Plus there is always reading journals/books to help keep my mind focused on genealogy writing.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Friday’s Faces from the Past and Genealogy News

This trip home, I was able to meet up with a recently found Raifsnider cousin! Thanks to my blog, we started emailing a few months ago and we were finally able to meet up when I made the trip back for the holidays. Her parents were both avid genealogists and they had quite a bit of information on the Raifsnider side of the family including this amazing gem:

486 Benjamin Raifsnider

Benjamin Raifsnider happens to be her 2x great-grandfather and brother to my 2x great-grandfather Hezekiah Raifsnider. That makes us 4th cousins. However, she isn’t sure if this is her 2x great-grandfather OR Benjamin and Hezekiah’s father – also named Benjamin (of course). So I’m going to do some sleuthing with this picture to figure out a time frame of when it was taken. I love new projects 🙂

I have no pictures of Hezekiah and only knew of this brother because Hezekiah lived with him at one point during a census. Now, however, I have a slew of names of possible brothers and sisters! I am very excited to see where this new information takes me.


Here are some news-worthy items in the genealogy world:

  • Holiday Sale from! – all of Elizabeth Shown Mills’ titles are on sale right now! So scoop up a copy of Evidence Explained and Professional Genealogy!
  • Geneabloggers also listed a ton of sales that are new today and ongoing! RootsMagic 7 is also on sale (that’s the program I use). Check it out!
  • Geneabloggers is also beginning a Genealogy-Do-Over that starts Jan 2nd! Thomas MacEntee from Geneabloggers is starting over from scratch because let’s face it – in the beginning how many of us actually wrote down where our information came from? Or just copied and pasted someone else’s tree without checking the facts? How many times have we needed to re-find something because of these errors only to find out we had something wrong? Well this is hopefully going to fix that and he has prompts/tips/roadmaps for those who wish to join him. It sounds like something I may also participate in too!

Happy Friday!

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