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Genealogy News for the week of Feb 14th-20th

Genealogy News

Articles/Blog Posts from around the Web

  • CASTING CALL FOR GENEALOGY ROADSHOW! Interested on being on the next season of the show? Go here for more information and a casting application!
  • Judy Russell’s The Legal Genealogist is probably one of my favorite genealogy blogs. This past week after RootsTech she cleared up the issues of what a lecturer has copyrighted and what a participant is cannot do with the material (like copying the syllabus for others and taking recordings/video of the presentation). A must-read for any conference participant!
  • Judy Russell also goes into credit and copyright – which is something people often think are the same. This blog post clears up the misconception!
  • A 178 year old family Bible made it’s way back to the family after many years. I love stories like this one!
  • I’m sure some of you have heard of A.J. Jacobs and his Global Family Reunion event. Here’s an article about how he decided to do this project.
  • Ever thought about writing your own history? The New York Public Library gives 20 reasons why you should!
  • Want to take a trip to Fort Wayne’s Allen County Library? The National Genealogical Society is hosting a trip! Check out here for more information!


  • History Lines was one of the contestants for the RootsTech Innovator Challenge. They made it all the way to the semifinalists to compete with eight other groups in the final round. They sadly didn’t make it to the top four, but I personally really liked their program. Check out their website for a beta version and this video to learn more about them.
  • The winner of RootsTech’s Innovator Challenge is StoryWorth! Dick Eastman posted more information about the group found here.


  • There is still time to register for Researching Ancestors in the Era of Freedom presented by Angela Walton-Raji! This is a free webinar from Legacy Family Tree Webinars and this lecture is about the Civil War years and what records you can find for that time. It starts today at 2pm EST!
  • PBS’s Genealogy Roadshow’s latest episode took place in Philadelphia. Check out the video here.
  • Five Minute Friday from Ancestry – Find the Parents – This video works on trying to find parents in about five minutes!
  • If you missed some of RootsTech’s streaming videos, there are a few that were archived and are free to view! Check them out here.
  • Are you Italian? Have you heard of the PBS show Italian Americans? The episodes can be found here!

New Records/Resources

Genealogy News Feb 7th-13th


  • The lovely people at RootsTech have made a some of their sessions live for people to stream online, for FREE – seriously, you can’t beat that people! Keep in mind that the sessions times are in MST! Click here for the streaming video and here for the schedule. Enjoy 🙂
  • Family History Discover Center was announced at RootsTech (I am very sad I can’t be there!). This looks like an incredibly neat place to bring your whole family, including young ones, to learn about your family history. It looks like a lot of fun and it seems very interactive! Check out more information here or read about one blogger’s tour through the center here.


  • The Daughters of the American Revolution made an amazing announcement! Previously with DAR, you could purchase record copies from someone’s application, which states what records someone used for their application. BUT, you couldn’t see the actual documents. Until now! Now, you can get the record copies AND the supporting documents for only $30!  This is wonderful news! I used it already and got to see copies of pages from a family Bible that I’m not sure still exists. Wonderful!
  • NGS’s UpFront with NGS posted some new (to me anyway) websites that are FREE! Check out the list here.
  • Check out the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services History and Genealogy webinars page for their schedule through May. It goes over the program and lets people know how to find and receive records of their immigrant ancestors and more!
  • DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy – this is one of my favorite DNA blogs and recently she posted about Autosomal DNA tests and their pros and cons.  She covers the biggest companies (23andMe, Ancestry, and FamilyTreeDNA) and goes over each. If you’re thinking of getting this test done, this is a good read!
  • The Society of Genealogists (in Britain) announced that a bill has passed that will bring down the price on vital records for England and Wales. You can read more about that here.
  • has announced a couple of things this past week. They have partnered with FamilyTreeDNA and will be offering DNA testing services to FindMyPast members. They have also partnered with the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.
  • Interested in Irish genealogy? Donna Moughty, a professional genealogist who specializes in Irish genealogy, is setting up a research trip to Dublin this October and possibly to Belfast as well. Go here for more information!

Interesting Stories

  • This is quite an amazing story of a woman who discovered her grandfather was a Nazi – and a rather well known one at that. She wrote a book about it and NPR shared her story here.
  • This story has been floating around quite a bit, but do you have a plan for your online accounts after you die? Facebook now has an option for you or you could always leave something in your will.
  • Going along that same idea, what do you do with all of your genealogy work after you die? Especially if no one in the family wants it? Dick Eastman wrote an article about where to donate records so they are available to everyone.
  • With it being Black History Month, there are a number of stories coming up on African American ancestry, including stories on passing. This article discusses how one woman, Anita Florence Hemmings, passed as white while in Vassar college in the late 1890’s.

Friday Genealogy News for the week of Jan 31st-Feb 6th



  • – They are reaching out to RootsTech attendees for feedback on new features. If you plan on going, follow the link to Dick Eastman’s newsletter announcement about it and sign up.
  • Family Search – Follow the link to Dick Eastman’s newsletter that explains new indexed and imaged records for the United States and El Salvador!
  • Billion Graves – Billion Graves is now doing photo requests for graves. Check out their blog for more information.
  • DNA – Not sure what DNA test to take? The Legal Genealogist breaks down the tests and which to take for what you want as well as how to get the most bang for your buck!


  • Genealogy Do-Over – From the geneabloggers website on the Do-Over project, this is a wonderful article about building a research tool-box to use. Great resources and information!
  • Hoosier State Chronicles – The Hoosier State Chronicles added new newspapers! The Evansville Daily Journal from 1848-1859 and more issues of The South Bend News-Times up through 1922.
  • Dear Myrtle’s – Check out her listing of webinars for this week including an organizational course on Sunday!
  • Rosa Parks –  Rosa Parks memorabilia available opened to the public for the first time
  • Google Tricks – Google search tricks you may not know about
  • Creating Mapped Stories – To help you see a mapped view of where your ancestors have been with historical events

Friday Genealogy News


  • I posted this video from the BBC to my Facebook page. The BBC used a drone to fly around Auschwitz and take video in preparation for the 70th anniversary since Auschwitz was freed. Haunting really is the best word to describe it.
  • The Genealogy Roadshow posted their third episode that you can see online! I’ve really enjoyed this series and this past episode in Philadelphia had some great stories.


  • Have a number of Scottish relatives? The Scottish Genealogy Blog posted a very helpful article about naming patterns found in Scottish families.
  • Newspaper Map – This article describes how Newspaper Map uses Google Map to find newspapers all over the world! Could be very helpful in your searches or just fun to explore.
  • UpFront with NGS posted this lovely article that there are free records available on NARA! These are World War II Army Enlistment Records and the article describes how to search through them.
  • The British Newspaper Archive posted a great video in how you can search through their website for a person’s name. The date range varies from place/newspaper title but they have newspapers from the 1700’s up to more recent times from the 1950’s.
  • The Young and Savvy Genealogists had a very interesting article about Find a Grave as well as a wonderful policy that I think everyone can benefit from. And although I’m not “young” in their mind (anyone under 30 is considered to be young – at 32 I’m nearing ancient! ha 🙂 ) I really enjoy their blog as a whole. Also, especially for those other Doctor Who fans out there, there’s a lovely interview link to David Tennant in that article as well as his picture – which may be what drew me to the article in the first place!



  • For anyone in or near Salt Lake City, the Family History Library announced free classes for February! You can check out the list here.


Free e-book

  • When I see these, I post them on my Facebook page so others can take advantage since many are time sensitive. I checked this one though and it’s still free! DNA Testing Guide Book. I haven’t read it yet so I don’t have a review but it’s free – you can’t go wrong!

Happy Friday!

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